Fairy rings are circles of mushrooms that contain plants like venus flytraps. Stepping into a fairy ring triggers the plant to trap and drag its victim into a fleshy, corrosive interior below.
Aoi warns that those trapped in fairy rings are stuck for 7 years, if they even survive that long. Lacie manages to rescue Aoi from a fairy ring, and it is noted that the digestive fluids inside the fairy rings appear to be weak as Lacie’s boots remain intact.
Fairy Rings[]
Lacie and Aoi sees a skeleton of a large creature and Aoi automatically thinks it's a dragon. They are excited about the idea of dragons existing in the human world and wish to have dragons in their own world too.
According to Aoi, Fairy rings slowly grow and spread, eventually swallowing up more and more space. When they reach a certain size, they open up and consume the surface, even engulfing large objects like buses and buildings.
Fairies live inside fairy rings and have egg-shaped heads with sharp teeth ideal for tearing meat. heads can move independently from their bodies, featuring either an open mouth, dots resembling eyes or nostrils, or both. The mouths detect prey in front, while the eyes detect prey to the sides.
Interestingly, fairy bodies do not make an appearance in the game.
Aoi reveals that Glen destroyed most of the fairy rings because he was unhappy, and they continue to remove some of them every few years. Lacie questions why he doesn't just destroy all of them, but it is unclear why Glen hasn't done so.