The forest is a location in Chapter 1.
Bus Stop Road[]
This is the first area Lacie finds herself after getting off the bus. There is a small bus stop and a crow on a rock. The road loops in both directions, making north the only way to go.
Sign Puzzle[]
Going north from the bus stop takes you to a path with signs pointing to various locations. The signs must be adjusted to point to the correct areas in order for them to become accessible.
There are two signs that say "Secret", pointing the upper sign south and the lower sign west will open a small passage through the trees into a room with a donations box containing 1 coin. Pointing the upper sign east and the lower sign north opens another passageway that has a swing with a Doorknob Fragment.
Train Station[]
The train station is accessed by pointing all signs that say "Train Station Access" towards a small clearing with pavement. Down the stairs is a hallway with three eye paintings, all crossed out. On the other side is a "Daylight Gate" sign that is fixed in place to point towards the stairs. There is a small roofed area with benches and a trash can, next to the tracks which Lacie can descend onto.
The main building itself has a vending machine which dispenses chips, eating the chips when prompted will trigger Dead End 1-5. There are 2 coins hidden around - one behind the vending machine and the other in the trash can next to it. Going left, there is a board that shows the map of the train stops, and a clock above it with three squiggly hands.
Inside is a waiting room with benches, a ticket dispenser, and another vending machine that is out of order, however inserting a coin and kicking it will give you a rune as well as refund the coin. There is also a window counter with nobody behind it, on the window is a sign that lists the ticket prices, and tells people to not cut in line. There is a staircase in the building which leads to a small room with a reinforced gate which currently can't be opened by any means. There are also scissors on the floor which when picked up, will cause a puzzle sequence. The lights shut off after picking them up, and going back up will show blood on one of the benches, and a mini-jumpscare of the window cracking.
Outside, there is now fog and the daylight gate sign is missing. Going back down the stairs leads to a looping hallway, where one of the eyes is crossed out. On the other side of the train tracks, a demon can be seen looking at Lacie, but it disappears when she descends onto the tracks. If she goes to the left of the tracks, a train comes straight at her, killing her. Therefore, going to the right is the only safe option.
This path leads to an area with three paths and a ticket dispenser. Each path has a demon that kills if approached too closely, but the ticket provides a hint on which path to take. This is repeated three times until you reach an area with the daylight gate sign on the ground. You can now take the sign back to the station and place it back where it was to gain access to the rest of the forest again.
Daylight Gate[]
Once all the signs are pointing to the correct direction, a path takes you to an area with 6 lamp posts and a gate. The puzzle involves turning off all the lamps to open the gate, as the gate only opens during daylight, when all the lamps are off. This puzzle can be skipped by cutting the lampposts with the scissors.
Fairy Ring[]
See Fairy Ring
Central Forest[]
Continuing north leads you to an area with a large tree, and signs pointing to several locations. There is a mirror embedded into the tree which can be opened, and a rune behind the tree itself. East of the tree, there is a lamp post with a fallen lamp that can be picked up.
After returning to this area after talking to Rune, a cutscene occurs where Lacie looks at herself in the mirror in the tree, questioning her curse. She also attempts to call Hiro, which succeeds.
If the AC adapter is used on the outlet, Kozmo, Milion, and Alba appear at the campfire area. Alba sells fish, buying one fish costs 5 coins, while buying her entire stock of 99 fish costs 10 coins.
Sculptor's House[]
Going to the south west takes you to an area with rubble and the sculptor's house. On the stairs to the house there are flowers, one of which has a key and a note hidden. Inside is a canvas that reads "Exhibit closed indefinitely. If you have complaints, please direct them back to where they came from." Next to the canvas is a statue of a man with a candle for a head. Interacting with the candle will cause the statue to collapse. Using the stone curse cure on the statue will cause it to give you a blue candle before disappearing. To the left is an exit of the building that leads to a small flower bed.
Going down the ladder in the house takes you to a floor with more sculptures, and also a shelf with an empty jar inside. Going down the ladder again, there is an unfinished sculpture of a lady covered with a drape. Kett can be seen on the left side of the room. Trying to get his attention will trigger a chase sequence. Going out through the left exit will trigger Dead End 1-7. Going out through the bottom will make him go back inside. Giving him the chips will temporarily put him to sleep, and once he wakes up, you are able to talk to him.
3 coins are hidden around the area - one is located inside a vase, another can be found under a small flower bed, and the third is hidden behind an unfinished sculpture.
Red's Treehouse[]
Going to the north west takes you to a stone staircase with an electrical socket behind the bush and an unplugged cable. The cable requires an AC adapter to plug into the socket. Continuing up the path, there are two ways to go. Going to the left takes you to a small clearing with a key and a note hidden in the floor.
Continuing north takes you to a bridge that leads to Red's treehouse. The bridge has three sections with spikes that must be dodged, however there is an option to skip it. After beating the spike puzzle, these sections disappear and the bridge takes you immediately to the treehouse. Rune is waiting there, and you can give him your two runes from earlier. He trades the first rune for a bug net and the second one for bolt cutters, which can be useful later. Opening the cage next to the treehouse releases crows, one of which can save your game. Additionally, there is a coin hidden behind the cage for you to collect.
Inside the treehouse is a cursed tree which is covered in blue butterflies, there are also pictures of these butterflies on the wall. In the main room there is a table with three planters, one of which has ink mushrooms. In the middle is a small desk with bottles and a chemistry set, next to a large furnace with a sculpture, which can be used as Kozmo's head. On the left there is an L shaped desk, with an AC adapter and also stone curse notes.
The stone curse notes read that it requires three items, two of which are obtainable in the treehouse. The third item, "artist's inspiration" is obtained by talking to Kett. Interacting with the chemistry set using any of the ingredients will give you the stone curse cure.
Safer Path[]
Underneath the carpet is a secret hatch that must be opened with the bolt cutters. Going down the hatch takes you to a red hallway into a room filled with boxes. In the room is a desk with a jar of live slugs inside, and continuing through the room takes you to a cage with The Prisoner trapped inside. After talking to the prisoner, giving them the blue candle and the slugs will make them give you the code to the door, which is hidden behind the mirror.
Going behind the mirror takes you to a room with a carpet with numbers on it resembling a keypad, touching the carpet enters a battle sequence in which you must memorize which tiles the spikes appear on, and put the code into the door. This is repeated 2 more times, until you reach a long hallway with a crack in the wall, the crack has a Doorknob Fragment inside of it. Continuing down the hallway takes you directly to the lakeside and you'll get a "Safer Path" achievement.
Secret Path[]
The northern path is hidden by the big tree. Going up this path takes you to an area with two trees and a view of a city-like structure. Lacie describes the scene as "almost peaceful." You'll also find a hidden coin behind the tree on the left.
Red Tree[]
The north eastern path takes you to a pathway with a red tree at the end. There is a key and a note hidden behind it.
Locked Site[]
Going to the east takes you to a gate with three locks and a statue in front of it. The statue has a note hinting all the locations where the keys are hidden. The gate can only be entered after talking to Rune. In the locked site, it is dark so Lacie has to use a light source, note that there are various items that you can use here, namely the blue candle, the jar/lamp of fireflies, and the lit candle. Lacie uses her phone's flashlight by default if she doesn't have any of these.
In order to get past the locked site, Lacie has to avoid the demon that roams the site. You will know it's getting close as Lacie's heartbeat gets quicker, and hiding in the bushes resets this. Throughout the locked site, there are 3 coins hidden around. At the end of the site, there is a one-way gate that leads to the lakeside.
Near the gate, there is a fence which can be cut with the bolt cutters. Cutting the fence takes you to a small area with the Doorknob With Flower and a small body of water blocking the path. Lacie can get to the other side by using one of the logs as a bridge, this takes you to the lakeside.
After reaching the lakeside, either by the locked site or the safer path, Lacie discards any items that would have only been useful in the previous area. In the main area, there are several bunnies that when approached, will run away. Getting to close to them will cause them to burst into blood, besides one bunny which can be picked up. There is a fishing rod which Lacie can use, fishing can give you either algae, or a coin. Next to the fishing rod is a tree with a cage attached to it, which can be pushed into the water.
On the other side of the body of water that you can fish from, there is a small area with a hole. To reach this area, you must hug the ledge to the left of the path where you exited the locked site, and move to the corner. This will allow you to walk on the path that is otherwise obscured by the leaves. Inside the hole is a rune.
To the left is a hidden pathway, which is where you end up after coming from either the cut fence, or the safer passage.
Going on the bridge to the right takes you to an area with a shrine-like structure in the middle. There is also a faucet and a boat paddle outside. Inside is a goldfish bowl, and a note explaining how the faucet must be unclogged by feeding the goldfish 2 types of algae, whatever color they may be. Once you've fixed the faucet, you'll got a Doorknob Fragment that had been stuck inside. Taking the goldfish out of the bowl or giving it the wrong item will trigger Dead End 1-8.
Going north takes you to a bridge with another view of the city-like structure in the distance. On this bridge, there is the 2nd boat paddle lodged in the rocks, and some purple flowers at the end, which is where the purple petals are obtained.
Finally, there is a dock with a boat, both oars are needed to use it. There is also a monster on the boat, and the note on the tree says the monster loves meat and hates water. The monster can be removed by either throwing special water (the water from the faucet) on it, or by putting the bunny in the cage, and pushing it into the water. Getting on the boat will cause Lacie to discard more items, and row to the lavender area.
Lavender Area[]
At the end of the river, there is a crow standing on a rock that you can save with. Continuing north, there are lavender plants, which Lacie can collect from, with a hidden coin among them. There is a small body of water to gather water from, and at the end of the path is a door with two doorknobs, and four empty slots to place more.
Placing the return doorknob in will cause Lacie to reluctantly go home, feeling as if she didn't accomplish anything. Interestingly, this is not considered a Dead End. If Lacie has the injured bunny in her inventory when doing this, you will be awarded the "Omochikaeri!" achievement.
Placing the flower doorknob leads you to a little clearing with building blocks, a sand bucket, and a stack of playing cards. In the center lies a gravestone that Lacie can't read, but there's a note attached to the back of it. It's a message, signed by someone named Marzie. The note mentioned how it had been 5 years since someone's passing and reminisced about what could have been if they had been together. She talked about wanting to protect them and how vengeance wouldn't bring them back. Marzie hoped that the locked site wouldn't claim another victim and reassured the departed partner that she would visit again soon.
Using the purple doorknob takes you to a small shop, with Shadow Girl working. Interacting with her yields no dialogue, however she gives you a rainbow potion, which increases your endurance (the amount of hits you can take before dying) in battle by one. You can help out the injured bunny, the fireflies and the Caterpillar, and if you bring her the 3 broken fragments, she'll piece them together to create a Gray Doorknob.
Using the Gray Doorknob takes you to a hallway filled with books organized on the shelves. There are some faint shapes visible through the windows, and soft white grass grows on the floor at the end of the hallway. You'll notice four glowing untitled books on the shelves, each with some sentences missing. The first book talks about the careful tracking of any human entering through a ritual. The second book mentions survival times and adherence rates to ritual rules. The third book discusses demons being able to sense souls, with some exceptions. The last book mentions demons not hesitating to consume souls, but there are regulations in place for reporting such incidents.
Using the orange doorknob transports you to a path leading to a tent at the end, where a hidden coin lies behind it. Inside the tent, Girl Moth and Boy Moth are caring for their baby brother caterpillar. They ask Lacie to kill the caterpillar, as it has been crying for the past several days, and killing their own kind would place a curse on themselves. Lacie has the option to either release the caterpillar, give it to Shadow Girl, or kill it. Doing any of these will cause them to give Lacie the Doorknob With Eye.
Placing the Doorknob With Eye into the door takes you to the Facility.
- OST: 11 - Voice of Trees - Midnight
- OST: 12 - Unexpected Danger
- OST: 13 - Theme of Rune
- OST: 14 - Lost Between the Lines
- OST: 15 - Voice of Trees - Daylight
- OST: 16 - Locked Horrors
- OST: 17 - Respite
- OST: 18 - Awkward Exchange
- OST: 19 - Shop Between Worlds - Closed
The Train Station Puzzle[]
The area has three paths and a ticket dispenser that gives you clues.
The first ticket gives us an Eye Ticket. Here is where we need to follow the path that has eyes, so we must look in between the trees and you should see the eyes before walking past the demon. Then we'll reach a second ticket dispenser. This one gives us a Bug Ticket. The second clue is that we need to follow the path that has the sounds that the bugs would make. The third and last one gives us a Skull Ticket. In each path, you can find a plant in a pot and one of them is colored differently. All you have to do is use the scissors you just got in the train station to cut the plant down.
Once you're done with this last one, you reach an area with the daylight gate sign on the ground and you can now take the sign back to the station and place it back where it was to gain access to the rest of the forest again.
Daylight Puzzle[]
This puzzle involves turning off six street lamps and unlocking a gate to the north. The goal is to approach the lamps from the back and interact with them. Turning off one lamp will cause several others to turn on or off as well.
- Upper Right toggles corners
- Middle Right toggles right side and middle left
- Bottom Right toggles left side and top right
- Bottom Left toggles bottom left, bottom right, and middle right
- Middle Left toggles top right, bottom right, middle left, and bottom left
- Top Left toggles left side
Completing this puzzle will open the gate for Lacie.
"How can I get a blue light?"[]
In the treehouse, there is a secret hatch under the carpet that can be opened with bolt cutters, leading to a cage with The Prisoner inside. After some conversation, he requests a blue light in exchange for the door code hidden behind a mirror.
In order to do that, Lacie must give potato chips to Kett to put him to sleep, then enter Red's Treehouse and grab purification notes. Returning to Kett, she must talk to him until he cuts off his flower "artist inspiration", allowing her to take it. Then go back to Red's Treehouse again and collect cursed bark and black mushrooms to make a stone curse cure using a chemistry set. Then go to the sculptor's house and use this cure on the candle man which comes to life and gives you the blue light. Finally, give it to The Prisoner to get the door code to access the door.
- In the demo version of the game, a person behind a window in the waiting room tells Lacie to take a number from the ticket dispenser and wait her turn. However, in the room, there is no one else waiting, giving the impression that someone has been assigned a number and is waiting for that specific number to be called. In version 1.1 of the game, this aspect is completely absent.
- After Lacie "accidentally" knocks on Kozmo's head three times, it breaks and releases a dark mist. She is then tasked with finding a new head for Kozmo. However, when she gives him a new head, there is no reward or achievement given in return, making the entire task unnecessary.
- In the demo version, the monster at the lakeside is replaced by vines with dead bones covering the boat.